Nature Conservancy of Canada Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk
The organizations obtained financial assistance from the Nature Fund of Canada for Aquatic Species at Risk to carry out work aimed at identifying the technologies that offer the best results for the detection of snow crab fishing traps in the Gulf of St. Lawrence as well as the equipment required on board vessels for the safe recovery of this fishing gear.

Action plans and government strategy
This project is in line with Action 4 of MAPAQ's 2018-2025 Ministerial Action Plan, the objectives of the 2013-2018 Action Plan for Sustainable Fisheries Resources, Marine Science and Technology, the ACCORD approach and several issues identified in the Government Sustainable Development Strategy, including "strengthening the complementarity of sustainable development and climate change initiatives" and "developing knowledge and innovation".
The project will highlight the expertise of research centers in the marine technologies sector of the RSTM niche. It is in line with the development objectives in terms of technological support to the companies of the Capture and Processing sector in the adoption of sustainable fishing practices of Merinov and highlights the expertise of the CIDCO in the development of advanced technologies and automatic algorithms adapted to the detection and location of objects lost at sea.

Ministry of Economy and Innovation
The "Action Pêche Fantôme" project is financially supported by the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation, which has granted financial assistance under the Support for Activities and Structuring Projects component of the Support Program for the Development of Strategic Sectors and Niches of Excellence and by the Program to Support the Financing of Research and Innovation Infrastructures. The Ministry also supports the project through its Regional Initiatives Support Fund (FAIR).
The Ministry, through the Programme d'appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d'excellence, allows the CIDCO to invest in technological equipment related to the project.

The objective of the Innovamer program of the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation is to develop new knowledge, new products and new processes and promote their dissemination by supporting scientific, research and innovation activities in the commercial fisheries and aquaculture sector with a view to sustainable development.

Fonds du Grand Mouvement
Since 2016, Desjardins has had a $250 million fund to invest in communities to support projects that have the potential to transform our society by 2024. The Fonds du Grand Mouvement supports projects that meet community priorities such as employment, economic vitality, education and the environment. To date, more than 400 projects have been supported through this fund.
The CIDCO benefits from this fund to help it acquire scientific equipment.
Merinov also benefits from this fund to integrate innovation and sustainable approaches in fisheries and aquaculture.

Leading the way in innovation, Merinov is Canada’s largest integrated center for applied research in fishing, aquaculture, and the processing and development of aquatic products. Merinov draws on the talent and creativity of its employees to help companies become more competitive through technological innovation and sustainable, high-performance strategies.

Interdisciplinary Centre for the Development of Ocean Mapping (CIDCO)
The Interdisciplinary Centre for the Development of Ocean Mapping (CIDCO) is a marine geomatics R&D organization. Dedicated to the enhancement of state-of-the-art technology for marine geospatial data acquisition, management and graphic representation, CIDCO is a not for profit organization answering the R&D needs of the industry and the community at large.

Institut Technologique de Maintenance Industrielle (ITMI)
The Institut technologique de maintenance industrielle (ITMI) is a technology transfer center affiliated with the Cégep de Sept-Îles and specialized in industrial maintenance. In an industrial basin where the reliability of equipment is of strategic importance, ITMI offers customized support to the North Shore and Quebec industries. Since its creation in 2008, our institute has continued to grow and expand its fields of expertise in order to adapt to the needs of industries on the one hand and to technological changes on the other. Industry 4.0, internet of things, embedded systems, artificial intelligence, energy intelligence, computer-aided design-manufacturing-inspection...

M-Expertise Marine
M-Expertise Marine is a consultant firm in marine sciences offering top of the line services in ecology, impact studies, scientific diving and science education.
The firm specializes in environmental and oceanographic services including research, field and laboratory work, and also education and scientific communication to the public. We offer a strong and innovative scientific expertise for specific issues in order to support applied projects, all the while emphasizing our clients’ particular needs with customized research designs.

NSERC-UQAR Research Chair in Design Engineering
The NSERC-UQAR Chair in Design Engineering contributes significantly to improving UQAR's ability to support the region's industries through the training of competent design engineers capable of innovating and implementing technological innovations within companies and through the development of innovative technologies, products, processes and industrial equipment.

Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels du sud de la Gaspésie (RPPSG)
The Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels de homard du sud de la Gaspésie, or RPPSG, is a non-profit organization that defends, protects and develops the economic, social and professional interests of coastal fishermen in the South of the Gaspé, as well as the resources on which they rely, especially the American lobster. Thanks to numerous measures taken by the RPPSG, fishermen in the Gaspé are considered to be among the most dynamic in the industry.

Association des capitaines-propriétaires de la Gaspésie (ACPG)
The Association des capitaines-propriétaires de la Gaspésie (ACPG) was founded in 1983 by a group of fishing vessel owners who wanted to cooperate in order to defend issues of common interest, such as the management of fishing licences and quotas, both provincially and federally.
With the formation of the ACPG, the fishers also wanted to provide services that would make it easier for them to practice their profession as fishers, captain-owners and managers of fishing enterprises.

The Fishing Gear Coalition Of Atlantic Canada (FGCAC)
The Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada (FGCAC) has been working collaboratively on preventing and recovering end-of-life abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing and aquaculture gear and developing sustainable retrieval and recycling solutions.
MERINOV is a member of this coalition.

The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI)
The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) is the world's largest cross-sectoral alliance committed to finding solutions to the problem of lost, abandoned or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG also known as "ghost gear") around the world.
CIDCO is a member of this alliance.

Mission 100 tonnes
The Mission aims to remove 100 tons of waste from the world's rivers and oceans to reduce the level of plastics, garbage and toxic substances.
Ms. Lyne Morissette is one of the mission leaders of this project.

iXblue is a global high-tech company specializing in the design and manufacturing of advanced autonomous, marine and photonics technologies. The group in-house expertise includes innovative systems and solutions devoted to inertial navigation, subsea positioning, underwater imaging, as well as shipbuilding and tests & simulation means.
iXblue was one of the first companies in the world to exploit, develop and bring to market the Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (FOG) technology, and now stands out as a pioneer and recognized leader on this market. Resulting from over 30 years of research & development, the FOG is now considered to be the best gyroscope in the world: its performance is genuinely deemed unlimited.

Monterey Bay Diving
Monterey Bay Diving uses sonar imagery for seabed mapping, locating and removing ghost gear and for educational purposes. Monterey Bay Diving also has a sophisticated Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) and side-scan sonar to locate and remove marine debris, including ghost gear.
Using state-of-the-art sonar equipment, Monterey Bay Diving can create sharp, real-time images of the underwater substrate. The equipment used is modular and can be configured to work with vessels of all sizes.